Pre-order items are items that are not in stock, but that can be purchased in advance, allowing you to reserve a style and size that is not yet available online for purchase. Once we have the items in stock, your pre-order items will be shipped.
An estimated shipping date has been indicated on all pre-order items at the product page level and in your order confirmation email. Once we have the items in stock, your pre-order items will be shipped. Although the estimated shipping dates indicated are generally accurate (plus or minus 2 weeks), kindly note that they are estimates and are subject to change.
You will be charged for your order once the first item ships.
Once your order has been placed, it cannot be modified or cancelled. If you wish to purchase additional items, you must do so as part of a new transaction or if you are not satisfied with your order, not to worry, we have a very easy return policy. Visit our Return Policy for additional details.
Although shipping dates provided are generally accurate (plus or minus 2 weeks), they are estimates and are subject to change. If there is an issue with your pre-ordered item(s), you will be contacted by our trusted Customer Service team for further assistance. Note, our usual standard shipping timelines apply to to all pre-order items.
All online orders may be returned via mail free of charge or at any Call It Spring store. Visit our Return Policy for additional details.
If for any reason we are unable to fulfill your order, you will be contacted by our trusted Customer Service team.
Your questions and comments are important to us. Our customer service team is available to answer any of your questions. Please be advised that our current response time is within 24 business hours.